Since the last update here on 311 technology, a number of new apps have been released from different cities and services. Here’s a quick rundown:
SeeClickFix released an iPhone app to interface with their service.
New York City released their first official mobile 311 app with the 311 Pix iPhone app.
Pittsburg launched their first mobile 311 app as an iPhone app called iBurgh with suggestions of spreading their technology to other cities.
DC announced the winner of the final round of the Apps for Democracy contest. The DC 311 iPhone and Facebook app created by Victor Shilo was the winner. Other DC 311 apps and links to their source code can be found in the D.C. apps section of the wiki.
CitySourced launched as a new software-as-a-service offering similar to SeeClickFix with a presentation at TechCrunch 50. CitySourced is starting with iPhone based input and Palm Pre, Blackberry, Android, and Windows Mobile versions on their way (video). The TechCrunch pitch also included their first client on stage, city council member Pete Constant from San Jose (press release).
A running list of 311 apps and services is maintained on the wiki. Please add or update the listing if you know of more.